Who is a carnal Christian?

Question: Who or what is a carnal Christian? We find the term ‘carnal’ applied to Christians in 1 Corinthians 3 where Paul calls the Christians carnal because of their immoral way of life. 1 ...
Question: Who or what is a carnal Christian? We find the term ‘carnal’ applied to Christians in 1 Corinthians 3 where Paul calls the Christians carnal because of their immoral way of life. 1 ...
Question: Am I really saved if I continue to sin? If I am a Christian and I continue in a habitual sin, will I still go to be with God when I die? To answer the question of whether you are truly ...
Easy Guitar, Piano Chords and lyrics for Malayalam Christian Devotional Song: Krushil Kandu Njaan Nin Snehathe by Kester This is one of the most requested songs by our readers, so we are glad we can ...
Easy Guitar, Piano Chords and lyrics for Malayalam Christian Devotional Song: Yeshuve En Nadhane One of the best-loved Malayalam Christian devotional songs, 'Yeshuve En Nadhane' is from the album ...
Question: Can I lose my salvation? How can I have assurance of my salvation? The Bible says that whoever believes in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross, and repents of his sins is ...
Question: How can I know whether I am really saved? First let us understand what salvation is. What is salvation? Firstly, we need to talk about salvation. If we do not have a scriptural ...
Lyrics for English Hymn: All the Way My Saviour Leads MeVerse 1: All the way my Savior leads me, What have I to ask beside? Can I doubt His tender mercy, Who through life has been my Guide? ...
Question: Is it a sin for a Christian to get a tattoo? We are to glorify God through our bodies From the principles of the Bible, we know that we should be very careful with what we do with our ...
Question: Is the pre-tribulation Rapture Biblical? Pre-tribulation Rapture Also called the 'pre-trib' or 'pre-tribulational' view, here are some more reasons we believe a pre-tribulation ...
Question: Is there anything that should happen before the Rapture? If you are studying the end times described in the Bible and are anticipating our Lord’s glorious return, you are blessed ...