Question: What are the different views of the Rapture of the church?The four views on the rapture can be summarised as:1. Pre-tribulation view The rapture occurs before the 7 year tribulation period begins. Let’s look at what Jesus said in Rev 3:10:“Because thou hast kept the word of ...
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Question: Where did Jesus' body go?After His death Jesus was resurrected on the third day. He was resurrected bodily and His body never remained in the grave. He was not a walking spirit, but had a body – His disciples could see Him, put their fingers into his hands, Jesus was having food with ...
READ MORE +Question: Was Jesus born again?Note: This question is a follow-up to this article - What does it mean to be born again? So now that we explained what it means to be born again we can talk about Jesus. As we have seen so far spiritual birth is needed because all of us are at enmity with God and ...
READ MORE +Question: What does it mean to be born again? We find the phrase 'born again' in the Gospel of John chapter 3, where Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven. The Greek phrase translated as ‘born again’ in verse 7 is γεννηθῆναι ἄνωθεν in the Greek, which ...
READ MORE +If yes, what evidence is there for God?The short answer is yes, God exists. There is a wealth of evidence both scientific (in the classic sense) and non-scientific (experiential) that leaves us in no doubt that God exists. The Bible is the true record that God has provided for us to know Him ...
READ MORE +Question: Is it wrong to use words of positive affirmation / positive confession?Answer: Words of positive affirmation / positive confession in this answer refers to the practice of using certain words or phrases as part of a life philosophy or personal motto to attract positive changes/energy ...
READ MORE +Question: What does it mean to take up your cross? Answer: Let’s look at the Bible and see what Jesus meant when He said these words to His disciples. Taken out of context, it can easily be misinterpreted. To get the full picture, we will look at more than one verse reference where Jesus talks ...
READ MORE +Question: Why did God send Satan to earth? Answer: God sent Satan to earth because he rebelled against God and caused a third of the angels in heaven also to rebel. Jesus said in Luke 10:18, “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”. This shows that Satan was expelled ...
READ MORE +I want to believe in God but my own personal experience tells me he doesn’t exist. Why don't I feel God's presence in my life? Note: This was a follow-on question to this article. At the outset, we would like to note that experiencing God is very personal and we are in no position to pass ...
READ MORE +Why would a holy God create Satan knowing he would rebel? Surely an all-knowing God would have seen that Satan would become evil? It is true that Satan is a created being, however the point to be noted is that he was not created as an evil being. He was created as a holy angel and the fact that he ...
READ MORE +This photo is a derivative of “Believe” by Juni, used under CC BY. This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND by What does Christian Meditation mean? We assume you are referring to the new age practice of contemplative spirituality/prayer, which also goes under the names of centering ...
READ MORE +From Saul the Jew to Paul the apostle The conversion of Saul the violent murderous fanatic Jew who was possibly the most vicious opponent of Christ to Paul, one of His most faithful servants and the apostle to the Gentiles is proof that nobody is beyond hope and that Jesus can save to the ...